Help, tips and info on the Omnia oven

Help, tips and info on the Omnia oven

Are you looking for answers to your questions about the Omnia oven? Great! I know a lot of answers!

Omnia oven - Everything about the small Omnia oven

What is an Omnia oven?

The Omnia oven is also known as the Omnia camping oven or Omnia oven.

But no matter what you call the Omnia oven, the questions remain the same.

And many who are interested in the Omnia oven are looking for information about it. After all, they first want to find out whether you really need and use the little oven, after all, we lug around enough useless stuff.

I will try to answer all open questions.

I have been working with the small Omnia oven since 2015 and have become quite familiar with it. That is why I have summarised some information about it on this page.

Would you like to know how the Omnia oven works? Or are you interested in how to get it clean again?

Do I actually need a thermometer for the Omnia oven? In 2015, I was also concerned about the temperature, which gave me the idea of installing a thermometer in the Omnia oven.

Here you will not only find the answer to these questions, but also information about the accessories, such as the different silicone moulds or the baking rack.

Erfahrung mit dem Omnia-Backofen
Thermometer am Omnia-Backofen
Schwarzes Unterteil OMNIA Backofen

I’ll give you tips on how to use the baking rack for more than just baking buns, and also what you can do to keep your silicone mould from taking on food odours.

Do you always have to precook pasta? I have tested a few types of pasta and can tell you more about the topic here.

Have you ever thought about how you stir your cake that you want to bake? Then take a look at the OXO hand mixer, which has been with me since 2015 and still does its job perfectly.

Now that perhaps all your unanswered questions, or at least almost all your questions, have been answered, you can continue to be inspired by my recipes for the Omnia Oven or by the many cookbooks I have published. All suitable for beginners 😉.

Information & tips for the Omnia Camping Oven

4 Reifen 1 Klo - Die Facebookgruppe!

Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!

Weitere coole Beiträge zum Thema

Ich bin Bianca, die Gründerin von 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, dem Camping-Food-Blog mit dem bekloppten, aber unvergesslich klingenden Namen.

Ich bin nicht nur mehrfache Kochbuchautorin, Food-Stylistin und Rezepteentwicklerin des Camping-Food-Blogs 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, sondern auch Camperin mit Leib und Seele seit meiner Kindheit. Ich genieße es, während des Reisens kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu entdecken und liebe sowohl die einfache Camping- als auch die heimische Küche.

Auf dieser Seite erfährst du noch viel mehr über mich/uns!

4 Reifen 1 Klo - Die Facebookgruppe!

Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!