Passender Löffel für den Omnia Backofen | Dreamfarm

The right spoon for the Omnia oven?

I have been looking for a suitable spoon for the Omnia oven for a long, really long time.

Yes, there are many spoons that fit into the Omnia baking dish. I also tried different spoons and the important thing was just that they weren’t metal or too big so that they damaged the mould.

Sure, “somehow” a spoon always fitted. But one time it wasn’t deep enough. Sometimes it was difficult to get the ingredients out because of the posture, or it kept slipping off the edge when you put it on. There was always something…

Well, somehow I’ve resigned myself to having a spoon that reasonably “fits the mould”.

In February 2020, the annual spring festival took place at the Freistaat in Sulzemoos (Bavaria), where we were invited as exhibitors.

I first noticed the “Freistaat” because so many had that on their set layout on the RV. At the time, I still thought: “How stupid are they to do so much advertising for the Freistaat of Bavaria?” Without knowing that it is a very large camping shop in Bavaria 😁.

And since the “Freistaat – Mega Store” has already been offering our cookbooks in their range since 2019, it was absolutely clear to us that we would be there as an exhibitor.

Eyes open

And during the exhibition, we also had a few minutes of time and I was able to “examine” the mega, well-assorted assortment around me a bit. Among other things, I noticed a small pallet of colourful silicone spoons on the bottom shelf.

Of course, my “trained” eye 👀 tells me that this spoon could fit into the Omnia baking dish. And…voilá…it fit! And perfectly! I danced around our show kitchens. Honestly, I was really pleased: finally a spoon that P E R F E C T fits into the Omnia baking tin. It is also made of silicone and therefore does not scratch.

Dreamfarm Löffel für Omnia Backofen

The perfect Omnia spoon

The unique handle design allows the silicone spoon to be placed on the mould without slipping off.

Even if you put the spoon on the table, the silicone mould does not rest on the front.

The flat silicone scraper tip and the flexible scraper sides from the spoon scrape every last bit of food out of the Omnia baking dish, pan or bowl. The silicone spoon can also easily reach the edges of the Omnia baking tin and remove food residues without scratching.

The silicone spoon can be used safely on non-stick cookware and is heat resistant up to 260°C.

Of course, you can also use the silicone spoon for the pan. There, too, it does its wonderful services.

Passender Löffel für den Omnia Backofen | Dreamfarm


  • scrape
  • measure out (15ml & 5ml)
  • Stir
  • mix
  • scoop
  • serve
Abmessung am Dreamform Löffel 15ml/5ml

However, the statement on the manufacturer’s website that 15ml = 1 tbsp and 5ml = 1 tsp is misleading. Yes, that is usually the case. However, these dimensions do not fit the Dreamform spoon. Here 5ml = 1 tablespoon of liquid. The 2nd measure of 15ml corresponds to 2 tablespoons.

The spoon is available in 2 different sizes:

  • 28 cm
  • 20,5cm

In 6 different colours:

  • red
  • turquoise
  • green
  • orange
  • yellow
  • violet
Dreamform Löffel in verschiedenen Größen

I now have these spoons in different colours and they are in constant use. Especially as nothing, absolutely nothing, sticks to the spoons. You can happily “scratch around” in the coated pan without having to worry about the expensive pan.

Also, if you put the handle of the spoon on the edge of the pan, you don’t have to worry about it burning.

Not just a spoon for the Omnia oven?

I make a cheese and leek soup every now and then. And as we all know, it needs a loooot of processed cheese. And the stuff sticks to the spoon like chewing gum to a shoe.

buuut…this Dreamform spoon 🤩. First of all, it fits exactly into these processed cheese packs 😁 in terms of width and height. Dreamlike!

Dreamform Löffel für Schmelzkäse
Optimaler Löffel für die Käsesuppe
Mit der Silikonlippe alles abkratzen
Einfach herauszunehmen

Anyone who has ever made cheese soup with processed cheese knows that it is often difficult to get the remaining cheese off the spoon. The only possibility is that you dip the spoon into the hot soup and it “melts” due to the heat. How often has my spoon slipped into the soup or it got quite hot with a metal spoon 🙈.

But now, I can just use the used (Dreamform) spoon for cooking. And I was able to empty the package of processed cheese completely without having to scrape everything out. The aluminium lid of the packaging could also be scraped off wonderfully with the Dreamform spoon.

Then, after the gooey processed cheese landed so easily in the cheese soup, I ran the spoon along the rim of the pot. Because the spoon is made of silicone at the front, they loosened the edges completely, whereas my conventional cooking spoons cannot do this so cleanly.

It was really fun to make the cheese soup with this spoon.

How to be happy about a spoon…😁

Den Löffel einfach zum kochen weiterverwenden

Tomato sauce

Who doesn’t know that? Red sauce likes to colour very much 🙈.

In this respect, I now wanted to know whether it is also the case with the Dreamform spoon that the silicone discolours. That’s why tomato sauce, in the form of Bolognese sauce for the lasagne, was needed. I used to have a white silicone cooking spoon. Old Swede. When I made Bolognese sauce with it once, it wasn’t as white as it had been before. And I never got the discolouration off again 😩.

Well, from then on, this cooking spoon had one main task: cooking with everything that has tomato sauce in it 😁. Apart from that, it was only an “optical” change.

I could have used my red Dreamform spoon for this little red test. But where’s the fun in that to see if it discolours the piece?

Oh yes, what can I say: it’s a super cooking spoon! I used it to make the entire Bolognese sauce: fry the mince, using the flat silicone scraper tip to break it up into nice crumbs. Especially as this flat silicone tip is always good for bringing everything together, i.e. scraping, hence the silicone scraper tip 😊.

By the way, the silicone spoon is still a bright turquoise. The red tomato sauce didn’t leave any traces 😊.

You can also find a recipe for a lasagne from the Omnia oven on my blog.

The little brother

There is also a smaller version of the large Dreamform spoon. This little brother is ideal for getting the leftovers out of the Nutella jar or the jam jar.

I like to use this little spoon when cooking. If you need spice pastes, such as mustard or ajwar (paprika paste) for cooking, you can remove them perfectly from the jar and place the spoon on the work surface without it resting on top and dirtying everything additionally.

Stirring tomato paste into the cooking ingredients is also no problem.

For me, it is such a “little helper” in the kitchen that always finds its perfect use somewhere.

The small Dreamform spoon has a capacity of 1 tsp of liquid.

Kleiner Dreamform Löffel | 1 TL


This spoon from DREAMFARM is really a dream. It not only fits perfectly into the shape of the Omnia oven, but also deserves a suitable place in the (camping) household.

Because of its optimal shape, this silicone spoon is just as suitable for pan dishes as it is for the Omnia oven.

It also leaves no marks when placed on the work surface, as the handle has a bend that prevents this.

I really have to say that my enthusiasm for this piece exceeds all expectations. Starting with the joy of finally finding a spoon that fits perfectly into the Omnia mould and does not scratch or otherwise damage the mould. The joy really continues with every cooking and baking session.

I’m really glad that we found him as an exhibitor at the Freistaat Mega-Store in Sulzemoos 🥰.

And what can I say: an absolute “must-have” for both the Omnia oven and the (camping) household.

Yes, how to enjoy a spoon…. 😁😁😁

Dreamform Spoon is available here

At the Freistaat Megastore you not only get the Dreamform Spoon and our recipe books, but also many other camping products PLUS excellent customer support!

Of course, this spoon is also available from various retailers on AMAZON*.


Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links und meine ganz persönlichen Tipps. Kauft ihr dort etwas, kriege ich eine kleine Provision für diese total ehrlich gemeinte Empfehlung – ohne dass es euch mehr kostet. Die Produkte sind bei mir regelmäßig im Einsatz und ich kann sie euch wirklich ans Herz legen!

4 Reifen 1 Klo - Die Facebookgruppe!

Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!

Weitere coole Beiträge zum Thema

Ich bin Bianca, die Gründerin von 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, dem Camping-Food-Blog mit dem bekloppten, aber unvergesslich klingenden Namen.

Ich bin nicht nur mehrfache Kochbuchautorin, Food-Stylistin und Rezepteentwicklerin des Camping-Food-Blogs 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, sondern auch Camperin mit Leib und Seele seit meiner Kindheit. Ich genieße es, während des Reisens kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu entdecken und liebe sowohl die einfache Camping- als auch die heimische Küche.

Auf dieser Seite erfährst du noch viel mehr über mich/uns!

4 Reifen 1 Klo - Die Facebookgruppe!

Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!