Tuscan Fillet Pot from the Omnia Maxi Mould

Tuscan fillet pot from the Omnia Maxi Mould now also available for families and anyone with a big appetite from the 3-litre mould.

At the moment I am optimising many of my recipes for the Omnia Maxi Mould. This time it’s the Tuscan Fillet Pot from the Omnia MAXI Mould, as this recipe is very popular and easy to prepare.

With this recipe, too, I noticed again. that the statement to simply take 1.5-2 times the amount in the recipes is absolutely not correct.

In the recipe for the small Omnia, for example, I used 500g pork fillet and 100g cocktail tomatoes. In the recipe for the Omnia Maxi Mould, I use 1.2 kg of pork fillet, which is more than double. And 180g cocktail tomatoes.

Unfortunately, I have not yet found a “formula” for optimally adapting the recipes 🤷‍♀️. I’m always very fiddly there too 😁. Of course, I benefit from my experience. But that is not enough either.

But never mind, I just keep optimising 😁…..

Why not serve 4 baguettes 😊 with the Tuscan fillet casserole from the Omnia Maxi Mould?

Toskanischer Filettopf aus der Omnia Maxi Form
Toskanischer Filettopf | Omnia Backofen Maxi Form
Toskanischer Filettopf | 3 Liter Omnia | 4 Reifen 1 Klo


1.2 kg pork fillet
300g bacon slices
180g cocktail tomatoes
400ml cream/cream substitute
2 garlic cloves
75g tomato ketchup
100g tomato paste
Paprika powder, sweet
Cayenne pepper


Wash the meat, pat dry and remove any tendons. Cut the pork tenderloin into approx. 3 equal pieces so that they fit upright in the mould.

Wrap the fillets with the 2-3 slices of bacon and place them side by side on edge in the Omnia dish.

Mix the cream or alternatively Rama Cremefine with the tomato paste, ketchup and spices.

Halve the cocktail tomatoes and fold into the sauce. Chop the garlic and add it as well. Pour everything over the fillets.

Heat the Omnia MAXI oven for approx. 5 minutes on the highest setting. Then finish cooking the Tuscan fillet casserole for approx. 55-60 minutes over a medium heat.

Those who use the Omnia thermometer: The thermometer showed 100° on the middle flame.

You can find the video on my YouTube channel. And more recipes for the Omnia Maxi Mould on my blog.


Did you know that the Omnia Maxi Mould is now also available with a non-stick coating? This mould is now very easy to clean and you can get it here*. And so that you can complement your Omnia MAXI Mould individually, OMNIA© has launched lids in various colours* and a separate base*.

And here is the video to go with it:

Die Weiterleitung erfolgt zu YouTube. You may need to change the privacy policy to see the video. You know…GDPR!


Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links und meine ganz persönlichen Tipps. Kauft ihr dort etwas, kriege ich eine kleine Provision für diese total ehrlich gemeinte Empfehlung – ohne dass es euch mehr kostet. Die Produkte sind bei mir regelmäßig im Einsatz und ich kann sie euch wirklich ans Herz legen!

Unfortunately, my recipes are repeatedly used for commercial purposes, hence this necessary note:

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the consent of 4 REIFEN 1 KLO. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public. Reprints, including excerpts, only with our written permission. Recipes may be shared, provided the source (URL) is mentioned.

This advice applies above all to those people who think that with my recipes create a commercial recipe book on Amazon or similar or build up his YouTube channel. We will prosecute this – even altered recipes will be prosecuted! By GPT altered prescriptions are easy to verify, and are also prosecuted by lawyers.

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