Omnia MAXI Form recipes - recipes for the big family

Now it is finally here! The OMNIA MAXI FORM! Now all that’s missing are Omnia Maxi Form recipes 😁.

The Omnia Maxi Form has a capacity of 3 litres. Compared to its little brother, which has a capacity of 2 litres, the large Omnia shape has become 1/3 larger. I have summarised more about the Omnia Maxi Form in this post.

The manufacturer’s recommendation is to increase the amount of ingredients by 1.5-2 times for the Omnia Maxi mould and keep the cooking times the same.

And this is exactly where the problem begins 🤔…

I have already optimised some recipes for the maxi form and unfortunately cannot confirm this recommendation 🤷‍♀️. The cooking times increase and you can’t just increase the ingredients by 1/3 or double them straight away.

This is already due to the fact that the maxi form has only become higher and not wider.

Omnia Backofen Maxi Form

Due to the new height of the Maxi form, it is very easy to work “upwards”. This means that you can now cut the meat, for the Omnia Maxi mould, into larger pieces to place on edge on end in the mould.

If, for example, you only use 1/3 more cheese for the casserole, that would already be too much. because the diameter has not changed and is the same as the 2 litre Omnia shape.

It would be similar for the ingredients for the sauce. Due to the fact that you may be able to pack more meat into the dish, there is not necessarily room for twice the amount of sauce.

In my recipes, optimised for the Omnia Maxi Form, you will find the right ingredients for the new Omnia Maxi Form recipes. You are welcome to compare these recipes with the recipes for the normal form and see the differences.

You can find the detailed YouTube video where I present the maxi form here.


Did you know that the Omnia Maxi mould is now also available with a non-stick coating? This mould is now very easy to clean and you can get it here*.

Recipes for the Omnia MAXI mould


Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links und meine ganz persönlichen Tipps. Kauft ihr dort etwas, kriege ich eine kleine Provision für diese total ehrlich gemeinte Empfehlung – ohne dass es euch mehr kostet. Die Produkte sind bei mir regelmäßig im Einsatz und ich kann sie euch wirklich ans Herz legen!

Unfortunately, my recipes are repeatedly used for commercial purposes, hence this necessary note:

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the consent of 4 REIFEN 1 KLO. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public. Reprints, including excerpts, only with our written permission. Recipes may be shared, provided the source (URL) is mentioned.

This advice applies above all to those people who think that with my recipes create a commercial recipe book on Amazon or similar or build up his YouTube channel. We will prosecute this – even altered recipes will be prosecuted! By GPT altered prescriptions are easy to verify, and are also prosecuted by lawyers.

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Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!