The MAXI grilled sausage goulash

The grilled sausage goulash has been on my blog for a long time as a recipe for the small Omnia baking tin. A very popular recipe. Children especially love the grilled sausage goulash very much.

Due to the many requests for the Grilled Sausage Goulash for the Maxi Mould*, I have now optimised the recipe for the large Omnia Maxi Mould, so that a large family or anyone with a big appetite will also be well satisfied.

Especially since you can’t just double the Omnia recipes or put 1/3 more in. The proportions of the quantities do not reflect this at all.

You can find many recipes for the Maxi Mould on my blog and even more information about the Maxi Mould on my YouTube channel.


Did you know that the Omnia Maxi Mould is now also available with a non-stick coating? This mould is now very easy to clean and you can get it here*.

Maxi Grillwurstgulasch | Omnia Maxi Form | 4 REIFEN 1 KLO
Grillwurstgulasch | Omnia MAXI-Form Rezept
Grillwurstgulasch | Omnia Maxi Form | 4 REIFEN 1 KLO Rezepte


8 to 10 grilled sausages,

3 peppers in yellow, red and green,

4 small onions,

400 ml Hungarian-style paprika sauce*(ready-made)

150 ml broth,

250 ml cooking cream

Sweet paprika powder,



*Hungarian-style paprika sauce can also be found as a ready-made product in supermarkets under the name Puszta sauce. In the past, it was known as “gypsy sauce”, which has since been banned for racial reasons.


Cut the grilled sausages into pieces about the thickness of a finger. Cut the onions into strips and the peppers into cubes.

Place the grilled sausage pieces in the omnia mould. Spread the onions and peppers over the top.

Mix Hungarian-style paprika sauce/puszta sauce, cooking cream and stock. Season with paprika powder, salt and pepper and pour over the ingredients in the Omnia oven. Spread everything a little with a spoon.

Cook everything for 30 minutes in the Omnia oven on a medium flame.

It goes well with baguette, pasta and wonderful chips.

And here is the video to go with it:

The redirection is to YouTube. You may need to change the privacy policy to see the video. You know…GDPR!


Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links und meine ganz persönlichen Tipps. Kauft ihr dort etwas, kriege ich eine kleine Provision für diese total ehrlich gemeinte Empfehlung – ohne dass es euch mehr kostet. Die Produkte sind bei mir regelmäßig im Einsatz und ich kann sie euch wirklich ans Herz legen!

Unfortunately, my recipes are repeatedly used for commercial purposes, hence this necessary note:

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the consent of 4 REIFEN 1 KLO. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public. Reprints, including excerpts, only with our written permission. Recipes may be shared, provided the source (URL) is mentioned.

This advice applies above all to those people who think that with my recipes create a commercial recipe book on Amazon or similar or build up his YouTube channel. We will prosecute this – even altered recipes will be prosecuted! By GPT altered prescriptions are easy to verify, and are also prosecuted by lawyers.

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