Cleaning the Omnia oven is so easy

Cleaning the Omnia oven is so easy

22. September 2023
Simple tips & tricks on how to get the Omnia oven clean again!

Cleaning the Omnia oven is easy!

Cleaning the Omnia oven can be a pain in the neck. I get a lot of enquiries about how or if I can get the Omnia oven clean again. Many of you seem to be on the verge of collapse because some of the Omnia moulds are so difficult to clean.

But I can reassure you! I too was on the verge of throwing this piece of sheet metal out of the window. Through the closed window, mind you, that’s how angry I was! For this reason, I also bought a silicone mould. Of course, nothing sticks to it. But you don’t always want to use the silicone mould. Like me. I actually only use the silicone mould for cakes and bread. I have already explained why here.

Some recipes really pack a punch. They are delicious, but they also leave a mess in the Omnia oven. So the big scrubbing and scouring action really gets going afterwards.

It doesn't have to be!

The cleaning is actually quite simple and you only need one element, which you can get everywhere and everyone has with them – no matter whether you are a permanent camper, a mobile camper, a sailor or anyone else who uses the Omnia oven. The magic word is: WATER !!!

And cold water at that! Really! This is absolutely no joke! In the beginning, I also listened to the smart people who had these glorious tips with the dishwasher tabs. Yes, it worked. But in many cases the shape has changed colour. These taps are so strongly dosed that they react with the aluminium. I was lucky. In my case, the Omnia forms have never discoloured. But it does for many, many others.

Ommnia-BAckofen mit Wasser reinigen
Bitte nur mit Wasser reinigen
Den Omnia-Backofen niemals mit Spülmaschinen-Taps reinigen

Therefore: STAY AWAY FROM THE TAPS! Aluminium triggers chemical reactions.

Simply fill your stuck Omnia mould with cold water. Why cold water? Cold water dissolves starch from the ingredients. After a certain soaking time, dump out the water. The remains can now be removed very easily. I use a dough scraper to help me with this. It doesn’t scratch and I can remove all the residue easily. It also works with stuck-on cheese from casseroles, the sugar from nut cookies and butter tarts, drumsticks or even burnt-on.

Then wash out with warm water and a little washing-up liquid. My forms also don’t have scratches or dents from rubbing because there is nothing to rub. Sometimes there are tiny, stubborn leftovers that think they can now spend their lives as a sticky remnant in my Omnia mould. But I spoil their soup immediately when I use my fingernails. And no, I don’t have designer nails that could also be used as weapons, but short, natural fingernails. Campers, that is.

Stick to the magic word “water” and you will enjoy your Omnia oven for a long time.

Cleaning aids:

These sponges are great for cleaning the Omnia oven!

I have had very good experience with the Spontex DUO -Fat* cleaning sponges.

The special thing about these sponges is that they have one side for “scrubbing” and the other side with a so-called “dry side”. And it is precisely this side that is optimal for cleaning the Omnia mould. It doesn’t chafe, but it’s great for getting harder stuff off.

They are not cheap compared to other cleaning sponges, but they really last a long time! Apart from that, it is also great for cleaning the silicone mould because it has an “anti-grease” surface made of grease-repellent fibres. This surface is completely smooth, so that no annoying grease particles, as known from conventional sponges, can adhere.

The Omnia mould and the silicone mould can be cleaned really gently with this.

And with the hard side, all other pots in the household can be cleaned perfectly.

And cleaning is also very easy with this...

Alternatively, we use a dishwashing brush to clean the Omnia mould.

Due to the rounded bristles, the dishwashing brush leaves no scouring residue.

But here too:

First soak the Omnia mould in COLD water, then clean it with the dish brush.

Reinigung Omnia-Backofen
Spülbürsten für die Reinigung vom Omnia-Backofen

And please say goodbye to the belief that the Omnia form always flashes and blinks as beautifully as on day 1. That is a fallacy! The Omnia oven is a utility item.

I often get enquiries about how to get the Omnia oven so beautifully clean again. My startling and mega shocking answer brings some down to earth at the speed of light: You get it clean. Shiny the never again!

The only thing you can do is to make sure that the thin coating of the aluminium mould is not damaged by scrubbing or sharp objects when cleaning. Otherwise it will show signs of use – it’s just a commodity!

Why shouldn’t you be able to tell that the Omnia oven is being used?

And here is also the video instruction:

The redirection is to YouTube. You may need to change the privacy policy to see the video. You know…GDPR!

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Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!

Weitere coole Beiträge zum Thema

Ich bin Bianca, die Gründerin von 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, dem Camping-Food-Blog mit dem bekloppten, aber unvergesslich klingenden Namen.

Ich bin nicht nur mehrfache Kochbuchautorin, Food-Stylistin und Rezepteentwicklerin des Camping-Food-Blogs 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, sondern auch Camperin mit Leib und Seele seit meiner Kindheit. Ich genieße es, während des Reisens kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu entdecken und liebe sowohl die einfache Camping- als auch die heimische Küche.

Auf dieser Seite erfährst du noch viel mehr über mich/uns!

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Camping, Wohnmobil, Caravan, Backpacker, Dachzelte, Zelte, Segler, Kochen unterwegs, Grillen, Omnia-Backofen, Technik, Freunde finden – Hier gehts rund um unser Hobby!