Omnia Backofen Maxi Form

Omnia Oven Maxi Mould with Video

Now it is finally here! The OMNIA BAKER MAXI MOULD!

The Omnia Maxi Mould has a capacity of 3 litres. Compared to its little brother, which has a capacity of 2 litres, the large Omnia shape has become 1/3 larger and is now also suitable for a family of 4-5 people.

The Maxi Mould is intended as a complement to the small Omnia Oven and is therefore supplied without lid and base.

Omnia Backofen Maxi Form
Omnia Backofen Maxi Form | 4 Reifen 1 Klo
Toskanischer Filettopf | 3 Liter Omnia | 4 Reifen 1 Klo

Ingredient quantity & cooking times

The manufacturer’s recommendation is to increase the amount of ingredients by 1.5-2 times and keep the cooking times the same.

I have already optimised some recipes for the Maxi Mould and unfortunately cannot confirm this recommendation. The cooking times increase and you can’t just increase the ingredients by 1/3 or double them straight away.

This is already due to the fact that the Maxi Mould has only become higher and not wider.

Toskanischer Filettopf aus der Omnia Maxi Form

My tip

Due to the new height of the Maxi Mould, it is very easy to work “upwards”. This means that you can now cut the meat into larger pieces to place on edge on end in the mould.

If, for example, you only use 1/3 more cheese for the casserole, that would already be too much, because the diameter has not changed and is exactly the same as the 2 litre Omnia mould. So there is just as much cheese on the casserole as before 🤷‍♀️.

It would be similar for the ingredients for the sauce. Due to the fact that you may be able to pack more meat into the dish because you are working “upwards”, there is not necessarily room for twice the amount of sauce.

In my recipes, optimised for the Omnia Maxi Mould, you will find the right ingredients for the large Omnia. You are welcome to compare these recipes with the recipes for the normal form and see the differences.

And here is also the video instruction:

The redirection is to YouTube. You may need to change the privacy policy to see the video. You know…GDPR!

The OMNIA MAXI Mould is available here*. You can find the detailed video of the Maxi Mould on my YouTube channel. And of course there are recipes for the giant piece on my blog 😁.


Did you know that the Omnia Maxi Mould is now also available with a non-stick coating? This mould is now very easy to clean and you can get it here*. And so that you can complement your Omnia MAXI Mould individually, OMNIA© has launched lids in various colours* and a separate base*.

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Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links und meine ganz persönlichen Tipps. Kauft ihr dort etwas, kriege ich eine kleine Provision für diese total ehrlich gemeinte Empfehlung – ohne dass es euch mehr kostet. Die Produkte sind bei mir regelmäßig im Einsatz und ich kann sie euch wirklich ans Herz legen!

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Ich bin Bianca, die Gründerin von 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, dem Camping-Food-Blog mit dem bekloppten, aber unvergesslich klingenden Namen.

Ich bin nicht nur mehrfache Kochbuchautorin, Food-Stylistin und Rezepteentwicklerin des Camping-Food-Blogs 4 REIFEN 1 KLO, sondern auch Camperin mit Leib und Seele seit meiner Kindheit. Ich genieße es, während des Reisens kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zu entdecken und liebe sowohl die einfache Camping- als auch die heimische Küche.

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